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A digital learning space

Digital learning redefined: a look at the future

A digital learning space as a comprehensive learning ecosystem

Our vision is to establish a nationwide digital learning space that networks learners, educators and educational services. Imagine you could seamlessly organise your individual digital learning journey from one learning opportunity to the next, throughout your life. The personal data, learning progress and learning documentation that accumulate during this journey are stored digitally in your personal file and available, for example, on your smartphone, and can be shared as needed for the educational service you want to choose for your next learning step. This may be for the purpose of registration and obtaining access, or to personalise a learning opportunity so that the most suitable content for you – in your current situation – can be accessed directly. Additional functions provide orientation regarding the offers networked in the digital learning space or help locate like-minded people with similar profiles, interests or other shared characteristics. Collaborative learning is thus supported digitally across educational sectors and institutions.

Barriers to access are reduced and networking is promoted in the interest of jointly developing the digital learning space as a collaborative project. The diversity and intrinsic value of existing educational services are improved as well.

You want to know more about the funded educational ressources or courses?We invite you to read more about our funding projects.