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16 Articles

  • Today, educational certificates such as diplomas or certificates must either be requested from each individual educational institution as a certified copy or even authenticated by a notary or local court. This process is cumbersome and time-consuming. "Mein Bildungsraum" aims to provide a nationwide software solution for education providers to issue digital certificates and verify their authenticity.

  • The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation (SPRIND) are intensifying their partnership and playing to their respective strengths in order to improve the lives of the population in a tangible and sustainable way and to set up "Mein Bildungsraum" in a future-oriented manner. In this way, BMBF and SPRIND are already creating future prospects for the results of three years of research and development work on "Mein Bildungsraum".

  • Finding suitable educational programmes easily and accurately – this will be possible with the Learning Path Finder. It has been fundamentally revised in the recently released version 2.0. Users of "Mein Bildungsraum" can now use the Learning Path Finder 2.0 to search for educational programmes across all providers.

  • Our vision is a nationwide digital learning space that connects learners, teachers and educational programmes. In order for this vision to become a reality and for "Mein Bildungsraum" to offer something for all ages and circumstances, as many education providers as possible must connect to the technical components and network with each other in the digital learning space.

  • The "Mein Bildungsraum" app is the central interface for managing your own data and documents and communicating with education providers. It has been in the beta phase since October 2023. We provide a brief insight into the current state of development and the technical challenges on the way to the finished product.

  • What can "Mein Bildungsraum" do for me? How can "Mein Bildungsraum" make access to learning easier in the future? What is already possible today? Since October 2023, the first technical features of "Mein Bildungsraum" can be tested in a so-called demo landscape.

  • The beta version of "Mein Bildungsraum", the first minimally functional version of the network infrastructure, was released in October 2023. Since then, the first users have had the opportunity to test it. Based on the feedback from testers, we continue to develop our programme. We have already made a number of adjustments and implemented new technical functionalities.

  • The First National Conference for Further Education ("Erste Nationale Weiterbildungskonferenz"), the Digital Summit of the Federal Government ("Digital-Gipfel der Bundesregierung") and the launch of leando.de: visitors to these events in November 2023 were able to experience "Mein Bildungsraum" and test some of the functionalities of the beta test version. We will use their feedback to further develop the networking infrastructure in the coming months.

  • Around two and a half years after the start of the project, which was launched in 2021 under the name "Nationale Bildungsplattform", the project team is about to reach a major milestone: the first test phase of the beta version of "Mein Bildungsraum" is about to begin.

  • In addition to a new website design and a logo for the networking infrastructure, we have been busy preparing content for our interested readers on the topic of digital education over the past weeks and months.