A look at product management: the Learning Path Finder 2.0
Finding suitable educational programmes easily and accurately – this will be possible with the Learning Path Finder. It has been fundamentally revised in the recently released version 2.0. Users of “Mein Bildungsraum” can now use the Learning Path Finder 2.0 to search for educational programmes across all providers.
The first version of the Learning Path Finder was released at the start of the beta phase in October 2023. It enabled a static search of educational programmes based on defined learning paths using various usage scenarios (for example in the higher education sector).
In the second beta version of the Learning Path Finder, which has now been launched, learners can search for suitable courses and recommendations in a structured catalogue of educational offers in the form of a free text search and filter them. The content is currently generated from the educational partners already connected, such as adult education centres. To ensure that “Mein Bildungsraum” offers something for all age groups and circumstances in the future, as many education providers as possible must connect to the technical components and list their offers.
On the way to Learning Path Finder 3.0
But that's not all: the current version of the Learning Path Finder is still being optimised and expanded conceptually. The next step will be to improve the search suggestions and results. Additional filter categories are planned. The “Mein Bildungsraum” app is also to be linked even more closely with the Learning Path Finder. This would make it possible, for example, to refine the search even further using personal data from the app.
As part of the beta test, workshops and discussions have already been held with various education experts to scrutinise the Learning Path Finder. The product was improved on the basis of the feedback. Testing of the second version of the Learning Path Finder has just begun. Based on the resulting feedback, further adjustments will be made to the design and the functions offered.
Where can I test the Learning Path Finder?
Since October 2023, the first users have been able to test the Learning Path Finder and other functionalities of “Mein Bildungsraum” using various scenarios. In the so-called beta phase, testers initially include people familiar with the project, network partners and funded research and development projects from the education sector.